Killer 5 Act structure (putting it all together)

Let's do a summary of the killer 5 act structure. Photo by Askar Abayev on Word of warning, this will get technical, and there will be numbers. Here’s how I break down my stories as percentages. I use this framework for short and long stories, blog posts, tweets, heck, even Instagram captions.First Act-22%Second Act-22%Third … Continue reading Killer 5 Act structure (putting it all together)

Secret Screenwriting tip? (60:40 guideline)

Secret Screenwriting Tip

Have I discovered a secret screenwriting tip? Do all modern screenplays follow a 60:40 rule? [lwptoc skipHeadingLevel="h1,h3,h4,h5,h6"] Read on, and you can decide for yourself. First, a little about me: my name is Kieran Majury, and I am obsessed with story. In particular, I’m obsessed with screenwriting. To get as specific as possible, I’m obsessed … Continue reading Secret Screenwriting tip? (60:40 guideline)