November 18: Most popular posts

November 18 was a good month on The views on the site went over 2500. That may not sound like much to you but for me it’s decent. It was down to one post going big on twitter that led to a knock on effect. I also timed it as best as I could to take advantage of the mid-term elections in the USA. There had been posts that I had been meaning to do for a long time and now I had an opportunity.


Let’s make this November a Yesvember.

There was some good feedback as well from people which is always a benefit. Thank you if you’re someone who commented who read this. It seems like if you want someone to comment on your post it needs to break through one thousand views, don’t know why that is, that’s just how it goes. Law of the internet.

November 18 was a good month because it was #NaNoWriMo and I decided to take part in the endeavour. I wanted to do it in a short space of time so I set myself the challenge of writing a novel in a week. In this case that was 35,000 words. That’s more a short length but it worked out well. I wrote 20,000 words in seven days. For someone who gets distracted easily and loves to procrastinate this felt like a milestone. I’m going to try something similar this month. I’m going to release something on Kindle in 2019. I’d better get writing.

Let’s get into the most popular posts. If you haven’t read them already then I hope you’ll take the opportunity to do so now.

November 18 Most popular posts

In third place, I wrote about some of my favourite films from the early 2010s. Looking back now seeing that films have polarised further into superhero films and awards fodder the 2010s were a golden age for those mid-range films. Not too big, not too small. These films were the equivalent of baby bear porridge. With the exception of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows these were all grounded, not too much action not too much talking. It feels like they don’t make these kinds of films anymore and the cinematic landscape is worse off.

Five Underrated films from the early 10s

Second most popular was my take on how Trump has democratised democracy. Trump has taken the deliberately exclusive language of politics and simplified it to such a degree that those who wouldn’t normally care about politics are becoming engaged. This post points out that it annoys the 1% who liked it when they didn’t have to worry about the people they governed. Now with more people becoming politicised that’s sure to annoy some of the people at the top of the totem, right?

Snobs hate Trump, here’s why.

This was easily the most popular post on Here’s why it went big. I’m going to write about this at some point but I set an intention for myself. I would say to myself “I intend for this post to go big”. Then I would work out ways to do that. Usually, you write a post stick it on the internet and forget. This time I was like, I’d like for people to read this because it might improve people’s lives. I follow Scott Adams the author of Win Bigly on Twitter. I sent him the post, he liked it and tweeted it out. My phone went into meltdown with notifications. There was a lot of discussions and I hope that more people who think Trump is the worst will consider reading this at some point.

Win Bigly: A cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome

December on

This month there are going to be a few end of years write-ups. I’m going to talk about two of the worst films I’ve endured not only this year but maybe all time.

There’s going to be a Christmas short story, maybe another time permitting.

I also need to do some housekeeping on the site, I still don’t have an about page. Need to work on that.

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